Wednesday, May 28, 2008

RSS Feeds

I definitely like the concept of RSS feeds, however, I'm not dedicated enough to remember to log into this website and check my info. (I have a facebook account and NEVER check's just not my thing.) But if we had RSS feeds on our website that offered book reviews, news websites etc that might encourage people to check our website more often.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I heart Tivo

Tivo is the best invention since air conditioning. And, don't let the cable and satellite company's fool you...those dvr's they offer to you are nothing compared to Tivo. Tivo is user-friendly, makes fun noises, and is great for sports when you want to do your own instant reply.

Tivo en Family Guy

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Second Post

For your second post share your ideas on how blogging can be used in libraries-->
From a patron perspective, if we as employees know how to operate, set up and maintain a blog we will be able to better serve them if they have any questions.
As employees, with the way technology is moving forward at such a rapid pace, this may be good way to keep up with the new trends and improve our skills as well.

First Post

Your first post should be on how you feel about the Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners from week 1-->
Habit 3 (View problems as challenges) was somewhat of an eye-opener for me. I think that's a good way to look at a problem instead of panicking. And, of course, habit 7 & 1/2 is the best!