Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The end?

I discovered that this program was a smart way to encourage coworkers to mingle, help, and assist (maybe even prod a little) while learning. I learned from helping others and I found out some new stuff that will definitely help with assisting patrons as well as in my own life.
I liked the Sandbox.
Along the way, I found a couple of websites that I like.--> boo.com and swivel.com
And, the audiobooks were definitely my favorite.
I would participate again in a program like this.

Audiobooks and the Digital Collection

I listened to Part 1 of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. I like that you can listen to a small part of the audiobook. I perused a few other audiobooks and I found that the narrators voices were not the greatest to listen to so I gave up on those. In general, I enjoy audiobooks for car rides. I used to get a lot of "reading" done from Tallahassee to WPB and back while I was in college.


Not really into podcasts...I'm subscribed to a few from The Onion. Also, I have subscriptions to podcasts via iTunes but I couldn't tell the last I actually listened to one.


I like YouTube for music purposes. This is one of my favorite bands with one of my favorite songs. Bloc Party--"So Here We Are"

Friday, June 27, 2008

Air Guitar Stage Name

Amanda "Airosol" Woolf

Web 2.0 Awards Winners List

boo.com-->This was a cool website for booking travel. They claim their fee is "the lowest in the industry or none at all". They have over a million reviews for places all over the country. Hotel reviews. If it's a crappy establishment, you'll know.

swivel.com-->seems to be a type of meta search engine. It collects information from many different sites and offers it to the user in section. You are able to compare data more quickly and sort from a simplier criteria. There are maps and graphs as well.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Zoho Writer/Google Docs

Zoho Writer as well as Google Documents provide people more choices. It enables anyone to open the document without needing a certain program. The comments feature is nice. One drawback I encountered was adding a picture to my document. The user must provide the image, picture or graphic. There isn't a "clipart" type feature. Of course, I may have missed it somewhere as well so don't take that to the bank.